Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ribeye Steaks

One of the best parts about living in a college town in the middle of nowhere is the Ag department rocks. Not that there's super cool people or anything (I'm sure they're good people) but the fact that I can go buy two rib eye steaks as big as my face for $12, and they are really really good cuts of meat.
I went by the Ag meat lab picked up some rib eyes, a pound of (again really really good) bacon ($6) and a rack of lamb ($8) today and made this ->

I had some frozen sweet corn so I also made creamed corn as a side.

Deliciousness all around.

Now we're sitting on the couch, sipping coffee, listening to a Bob Dylan record and enjoying life all around while the rest of the kids are off enjoying the festivities of the day.

Ribeye Steaks with Caramelized Onion Sauce

Two Ribeye Steaks
1 Medium sized onion
1/2 cup of half and half
2 cloves of garlic
3 tablespoons of butter
1 tablespoon of olive oil

Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees
Take a large, oven proof, non-stick skillet/sauce pan.
Thinly slice the onion (I used my mandolin I got for Christmas) and finely chop the garlic. Brown in 2 tablespoons of butter.
While these brown; pat dry the steaks with paper towels, pour the olive oil on both sides of the steaks, and liberally salt and pepper.
Turn up the heat a little bit.
Add the steaks to the pan, making sure they have good contact with the pan (scootch the onions around a bit). Brown on both sides for about 3 minutes on each side.
Take the remaining tablespoon of butter, cut into fourths and put on top of the steaks.
Place the pan in the oven till the done-ness is to your liking (I put them in for about 7 minutes for medium-rare).
Put the pan back out, remove the steaks, put on a plate and tent them with foil to rest while you make the sauce.

Onion Sauce
Turn the stove top to low heat.
Add 1/2 cup of half and half to the pan and stir constantly to avoid burning.
Add salt and pepper to taste. To thicken the sauce add a pinch of corn starch if you want to.

Serve on a bed of spinach, add the sauce, then the steaks.

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